Another Take On Why Jews Vote Democrat

Another Take On Why Jews Vote Democrat

From the start – in starting this nation and from the moment the settlers arrived – American Christians saw the Jews differently. They saw Judaism not as another religion but as the antecedent and a necessary and true part of their own heritage and beliefs. After all, not only was their savior a Jew, but he made it clear that he’d come not to change His father’s laws – the laws that the Jews brought to the world. American Christians – unlike any other Christians in the past (and elsewhere today) – see Judaism as part of their own religion and whole-heartedly embrace the Jews, the Jewish people and Israel.

Evan’s interview at a recent Pro-Israel Rally in LA!

Evan’s interview at a recent Pro-Israel Rally in LA!

With a pro-terrorist, pro-child rape, pro-homophobia, pro-women abusers rally being sponsored by the Communist group International Answer under the guise of caring about the people of Gaza taking place in Los Angeles on Saturday — and a massive pro-freedom and democracy rally in support of Israel to take place in NY this weekend as well, I thought now was a good time to revisit an interview I did with Scott Jacobs at the massive pro-Israel rally in Los Angeles from a few weeks ago.



Comedian Evan Sayet has some serious things to say about liberalism in his new book, “The KinderGarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks.” Sayet’s book, available now in either paperback or e-book form, includes some pop culture examinations, including how the song “Imagine” by John Lennon became the perfect symbol of liberal thinking as well as the excerpt below taking Bruce Springsteen to task for decrying good, honest work. THE WORK, THE WORKIN’ JUST THE WORKIN’ LIFE When Adam and Eve suddenly found themselves evicted from Paradise (just as when the child finally becomes an adult), there were only two things they needed to do that they’d never needed to do before. Suddenly, deprived of God’s generous welfare, they had to provide for themselves by using their intellect to seek out the better things, and then they had to toil to bring those better things about. Since these are the two things that leaving Paradise required, they are the two things that the Modern Liberal is convinced are keeping him – and the world – from returning to it. Read more at...
The Promise Is Broken Says Republican Speaker Evan Sayet

The Promise Is Broken Says Republican Speaker Evan Sayet

While many bands have legions of fans, few (if any) have garnered the type of following that Bruce Springsteen has. Long before he became famous, those who knew his work were already nothing less than devotees. Decades later, those numbers have skyrocketed but, for many, the devotion has not waned. That was true of me…until now. I don’t in any way repudiate Springsteen’s greatness. He is, in fact, the greatest poet of my lifetime and, I would enjoy arguing perhaps the best since Shakespeare. I don’t have room here to defend that statement – nor is it the purpose of this paper – but I am far from the only one who has taken Springsteen’s works so seriously. There are two Harvard professors, a leading theologian and one of the nation’s premiere social and political journalists (to name just a very few) who have written books on Springsteen – the artist, not the man – and his literary and moral contributions. I, too, have considered writing one along the lines of The Leadership Lessons of George Washington and The Tao of Pooh – the often simple but essential lessons that I have taken from Springsteen’s lyrics and incorporated into my own life for the better. Through the years I have been a fan – in many cases a big fan – of other acts as well. I think Paul Simon is a brilliant lyricist and musician and Bernie Taupin who, along with Elton John, has created some of the greatest songs in the soundtrack of my life are, too. Billy Joel has been unparalleled at catching and throwing back...
Go Ahead…Imagine

Go Ahead…Imagine

Let’s take John Lennon up on his offer. Let’s imagine what the world would be like with no countries, religions or a heaven or hell. Let’s imagine a world with no possessions and nothing important enough to be willing to kill to protect it or die to ensure its continuing. Let’s imagine Lennon’s world where all the people are living for nothing other than today. In this world, people will have saved no money for their retirement. After all, retirement is somewhere down the line. All the people would have massive debts – borrowed every penny from everywhere they could, maxed out their credit cards, bought houses they couldn’t pay for – because the promise to repay those debts were made yesterday. In Lennon’s world people would splurge on big screen TVs, using money that should have gone to buying health insurance, but, alas, the big game is tonight while their health at the moment is just fine. There wouldn’t be much kindness or decency in a world where all the people are living for today. Kindness is not a form of instant gratification, it’s a lubricant that makes society work in the long run. The long run goes on for years. Those living for today don’t care about the long run and thus they don’t care about how society will function any further down the line than twenty-four hours from now. This world would be vulgar – horribly vulgar – as refinement, as the word suggests, takes time. Who knows, one might even find pornography on every corner, filth spewing from the radios, maybe even someday a gathering...