Evan was born in New York city and went to school in Rochester, New York. He would soon move out to Hollywood in order to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian, television writer, and eventually video producer as well. However, post 9-11, he rethought (or more accurately, thought about for the first time) his political and social beliefs. Evan recognized that he had been acting as a knee-jerk Liberal, but was, in reality, a conservative at heart. From that moment, he has dedicated himself to conserving and promoting the values of the America that has given him freedom and allowed him to pursue his life of liberty and happiness.
In the meantime, Evan has become the nation’s leading conservative, political comedian, an in-demand Master of Ceremony for Republican and conservative events, while at the same time writing the bestselling book The KinderGarden Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks. He’s given numerous lectures on the same subject as his book – including one to the Heritage Foundation, to which Andrew Breitbart call the lecture, “One of the five most important conservative speeches ever given,” – and another to the Conservative Forum, which has been recognized as the definitive explanation as to how and why the Mainstream Media has gotten, literally, every major story of the past six decades not just “wrong”, but as wrong as wrong can be.
Evan Sayet resides in Los Angeles, California, and can be reached at contactevansayet@gmail.com or via the contact page.