Why Today’s Generations AREN’T Great

Why Today’s Generations AREN’T Great

Last year at CPAC I joined a distinguished panel that included National Review editor Rich Lowery, Congressman Steve Scalise and ACU President Al Cardenas.  In this clip I explain why those generations born after World War II were NOT great — and keep getting worse. BTW, I know it’s very hard to see in the photo here but that pin I’m wearing?  It’s from my company Be the Media dot US (bethemedia.us).  It’s just a plain white pin with one tiny black dot.  What does it mean?  Remember when President Obama said, “If you like your healthcare plan  you can keep it…period!”?  Well, THAT’S the period.  Great conversation starter.  Other such things there too — and more and more to come.  Be the Media dot US.   Enjoy, the video.  Here’s the link.  ...