by Evan Sayet | Apr 3, 2015 | News, Video |
It never ceases to amaze me not only how stupid the Modern Liberal is but that he knows that he’s stupid. In this clip from an event I headlined along with Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina and Bobby Jindal I show how the Liberal-made movie classic Forrest Gump shows their self-awareness. (I’m going on tour, folks. Double back to my website after this short video for cities and...
by Evan Sayet | Feb 18, 2015 | News |
Last year at CPAC, I discussed a central and essential part of the Modern Liberal effort: the near-total divorcing of reward from merit. One devastating example is the ridiculously high hourly salary the Liberals want to make the minimum wage. This salary is in no way tied to merit or effort and, like banks forced to make housing loans to those whose income and credit history don’t merit it and schools granting admissions to those whose efforts and accomplishments don’t merit it, it’s just another part of the Left’s recipe for undermining the very concept of right and wrong. Here’s the clip. (And please visit my new website Be the Media dot US for thoughtful arguments we can take to the public to defeat Leftist brain washing.) ...
by Evan Sayet | Feb 13, 2015 | News, Video |
Last year at CPAC I joined a distinguished panel that included National Review editor Rich Lowery, Congressman Steve Scalise and ACU President Al Cardenas. In this clip I explain why those generations born after World War II were NOT great — and keep getting worse. BTW, I know it’s very hard to see in the photo here but that pin I’m wearing? It’s from my company Be the Media dot US ( It’s just a plain white pin with one tiny black dot. What does it mean? Remember when President Obama said, “If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it…period!”? Well, THAT’S the period. Great conversation starter. Other such things there too — and more and more to come. Be the Media dot US. Enjoy, the video. Here’s the link. ...
by Evan Sayet | Dec 2, 2014 | News, Video |
In The KinderGarden of Eden: How The Modern Liberal Thinks, I explain what I call the Modern Liberals’ “Cult of Indiscriminateness” and how their rejection of discriminating thought (which, for reasons explained in the book and elsewhere, they see as the evil act of bigotry) leads them to side only and always with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success. In Volume II (in progress) I’ll be expanding on this to include the pathologies of Modern Liberalism (including the rise, spread and now epidemic nature of the mental illness of Narcissism), how their rejection of discriminating thought leads them to their specific policies (pro-abortion, anti-Israel, etc), the industries of Modern Liberalism and how the language of Modern Liberalism spins reality 180 degrees. Here’s a brief excerpt from that chapter. DIVERSITY With nothing ever to be recognized as superior, the Modern Liberal movement found itself with nothing positive to offer the American people. Previous attempts to truthfully sell their agenda of nihilism and narcissism as itself being positive – with slogans that honestly reflected their ideology such as “tune in, turn on, drop out” and “if it feels good, do it” — were overwhelmingly rejected by the masses and repeatedly led to landslide defeats for the Democrats seeking national office. The True Believers recognized that if they were going to achieve success in spreading their “Cult of Indiscriminateness” beyond the isolated compounds of the college campuses and a handful of radicalized cities like San Francisco and Hollywood, they would have to repackage their message and hide their...
by Evan Sayet | Sep 10, 2014 | News |
I must admit to some snobbery. My kind didn’t become cops. My kind didn’t become fireman. We went to college as simply a rite of passage and became the “Masters of the Universe” holding meetings with others like us on the top floors of buildings like those in the World Trade Center complex. In fact, I, at the age of twenty-three, had an office on the 106th floor of building number one with an unquestioned entitlement to it for no other reason than that was the way of the world.
by Evan Sayet | Sep 7, 2014 | News |
After playing to a packed house (and receiving not one, not two but THREE standing ovations in Los Angeles last month) Evan is reprising his one man show as part of the acclaimed Ventura Comedy Festival for one night only, September 28th at 7 pm. Tickets are just twenty dollars and can be purchased online by clicking here. They will also be available at the box office on the evening of the show. In case you don’t know Evan’s work, watch a brief clip from an event he starred in along with Ann Coulter and Dinesh D’Sousa earlier in the year by clicking here (feel free to share) Also see the reviews from the nation’s leading political activists, radio talk show hosts, authors and others below. This is a RARE, open to the public performance and NOT to be missed! To make life easy, here’s the link again to BUY TICKETS NOW! And now….just some of the reviews of Evan’s shows. “Simply the best political comedian working in America today,’ — David Horowitz.”‘ “Evan Sayet explodes pernicious stereotypes with refreshing humor that is simultaneously thought-provoking and hilarious…” — Michael Medved, “There’s funny, there’s VERY funny and then there’s Evan Sayet.”– Hugh Hewitt “Who makes me laugh? Easy. Evan Sayet.” — Ann Coulter “Evan Sayet is one of my favorite cultural commentators.” — Tammy Bruce, “At last I can delight in a show that is genuinely funny. My thanks to Evan Sayet” — Larry Elder Here’s that link to tickets again Get them now and please spread the word. SEE YOU ALL THERE for a night that is ALL...